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Sunday, December 18, 2005


Heya everyone! Just want to share something that I learnt on the very first night of youth camp from the passage in Luke 8:1-15 on the parable of the sower. Quick, go flip your Bibles to read that passage again!

This is a parable that I had learnt in Sunday school (many many years ago) and had taught to the Sunday school children when I was serving in the ministry, so when we first turned to it last Friday night I wasn't really expecting to learn something new from it. Guess you could say that my heart wasn't really 'good soil' at that point in time, and that I was kind of prideful about the knowledge that I had.

But God was good and He allowed me to see how the passage applied to my life. Raymond started sharing from the passage and he gave the illustration of how a farmer would prepare the field by ploughing it before he scattered the seeds. He talked about the plough that would be pulled across the fields and how that plough was so sharp that it could dislodge the stones in the field to make the ground ready to receive the seeds. What he said made me think about my own heart condition that day, and to ask if there were any 'stones' in my heart that were preventing me from fully absorbing the Word of God.

That night, the knowledge that I had in my head for so many years had finally travelled into my heart. Time and again, we need to ask God to search our hearts and to show us the areas that have become hardened to Him, and ask Him to soften and open our hearts once again to receive the Word that He has for each of us.

There's a hymn entitled "Let my heart be good soil", but I can't find the lyrics for it to post up here. If any of you do come across it, let me know yah?

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion