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Thursday, December 01, 2005
Currently still in Children's Camp
As the title says... Yup yup i am still currently in children's camp. And to be honest, i wasnt really looking forward to it. :p maybe because i have attended way too many children's camp and that after every single camp, i will lose my voice because i would screaming at the kids non stop.
However, when we were having worship with the children today. i felt. touched. When i saw the children lift up their voices to sing to God, it was so loud, so clear and most of them were closing their eyes, concentrating upon worship. Not only that, when they were praising God, they were jumping up and down, doing all the actions, unaware of the people around them. It came from the hearts of these children and we adults felt it. The funny thing was, we didnt have to lead them into worship. Instead, they led each other into sincere worship. To be honest, this was one of the best worship i have ever had...
And it got me thinking once again... when was the last time you truly enjoyed worship? when was the last time you even truly worship? As we grow older, what is missing out in our worship? Our hearts? Our shyness? Our constant concern about other people looking at us?
If you happen to read this in time, please do join the kids for worship on Friday 2nd December 2005 @ 730pm at Christ Church Secondary. Come experience something within them... and let the children teach us something.