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Monday, November 07, 2005
Something to share with all of you! By Joanie
Hahaha! God really does have a sense of humour as He spoke to me during my qt today. It is not what He said in the bible that amuses me, but how He reminded me of how He has been supporting me that filled me with joy. Ha! This was what happened…
I just had my first paper, which is on cross cultural buying behavior, today. I left the examination Hall feeling relieved and glad because I thought it was the easiest paper I had ever sat for in NTU so far. Ha thank God for that.
When I did my qt just now, using Our Daily Bread, the bible passage was on Psalm 18:1-3. I praised God as the passage reminded me “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God; my strength, in whom I will trust.” Truly God is with me in the Exam Hall as I was not at all nervous and my heart was in peace. As I continued to read the material, I was surprised to find my exam question in the text! “A picture is worth a thousand words”. How coincidental can that be? Haha! The rest of the material is talking about how images can arouse, evoke and deepen understanding and memory. Guess what? These are all related to cross cultural buying behavior, under the topics on Learning and Memory. It is just too amazing to be true! I concluded that God is openly telling me that He has always been there to bless and watch over me.
If I have done my qt earlier before my papers, I could have burst out laughing with joy. I know God is with me and I want to share this incredible experience with all of you.