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Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Are you a junkie?
We are far too familiar with the phrase, "you are what you eat". However, it took me some time to realise this. Not too long ago, it dawned upon me that I'm really consuming lots of junk food, not literally rubbish but they are food void of nutrients and not beneficial to my body at all. Food such as pastries and bread though tasty and attractive can't replace the main meals which provide us with the nourishment we need for a functioning and healthy body.
This thought led me to reflect on my quiet time, one of the main sources of spiritual food. Have I too, been a junkie as well? Have I been too reliant on commentries that I have neglected meditating on God's words so as to allow the Holy Spirit to convict me?
There are some parrallels between the "junk" food and commentries. Both are quick fixes, one satisfies the stomach quickly- just grab and go while the other help us to speed through our quiet time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that commentries are bad but I believe we seriously can't lack the mediation aspect which is far more important.
Just as junk food are supposed to be after meal delights, commentries can complement the study of God's words. If you want to be a spiritually "fat" Christian (which is good, of course), I suppose you know what you ought to do. ;p