Young Working Youth -
Mad Mad Food Festival!!
(Pot blessing @ CheeHoong & Huiling's place)
Hi all! This is just a brief update on the recent Mad Mad Food Festival which we had for our cell! This is a very significant meeting as this is the first time almost EVERYONE from our cell came and we had a great time Makaning (the highlight) (xD), playing dumb games (=p), watching soccer (@.@) and most importantly getting to know each other and bonding together in love and.. FOOD! Below are some photos to show u guys the enjoyable time which we had!
First... the FOODNext the Makan...
Then the girls/ladies/women had a good time of fun n games!
While the boys.. chillled out infront of the...
GOOGLE BOX.... watching Soccer!!! (wats new.. =p)
The rest of the photos speak for themselves! =)
Special Thanks to: Cindy, Reginald, Ivy, Mabel & Jack, Gim Seng, Jonathan & Huiwen, Angel & Erin, Denny, Candice and Kiyomi for bringing food the lovely food! (sorry if i left anyone out!) Chee Hoong and Huiling for lending us their home and everyone else who attended and supported our meeting! Last but not least, to God in Heaven who made all this possible! Hallelujah!
We love you all!!! =) Sincerely, Vincent, Ivy & Tina