Where is your Heart Today?
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt 6:21 , Luke 12:24
On Saturday during cell, SIA did the study on Eternity. We talked about our eternity in Christ, about Heaven, eternal perspectives, and the things in this world that had eternal value.
Only 2 things will last: The Word of God and the souls of men. We can choose to channel our time and efforts in attaining material wealth, status and recognition in our lives here on earth, or we can choose, in the midst of carrying our daily activities and tasks, to invest in the things that would last beyond this lifetime on earth.
We ended with a short time of personal reflection on the verse mentioned above. Though it is such a short verse (good for scripture memory), it is such a precious verse to reflect and meditate upon. For me, I realised that my heart was partly set on my eternal treasure, but yet also partly set on my own personal achievements and accomplishments here on earth (it isn't wrong to want to succeed i guess, but it becomes wrong when it consumes us and takes us away from focussing on Jesus and living for Him). My personal action points are to constantly remind myself of this verse, and to check my motives for wanting to excel and succeed in what I set out to do. :)
Take some time today to ask yourself, 'where is my heart today?'