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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Peace in a Chaotic World

I've been meaning to share this verse for a long time, but somehow, I never got down to it because I had some difficulty in putting my thoughts into words for this verse.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." John 14:27

The recent Bali bomb blasts, the explosions in the London subway and the natural calamaties that have devastated parts or regions in America and some South East Asian countries are proof that we live in a chaotic and extremely volatile world. But in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, is it possible for us to have peace in our hearts?

I believe that it is possible, because the Lord has given us His peace. And indeed, as in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, He does not give to us as the world gives.

The world gives us peace when we look around and we find that there are no wars; we feel secure and safe when there is an absence of conflict. Many times we find security and peace in the things we own; whenwe perceive ourselves as having what we need to satisfy the basic physical needs, our hearts are at rest. We feel secure and at ease when we look at our string of achievements and think to ourselves that the bright future ahead of us is guaranteed.

But yet, this peace that the world gives is but a transient one. Conflicts are bound to arise, our possessions can be lost or taken away from us, and our qualifications might one day not be worth as much as we thought them to be. Do we then go into a panic when all these things happen?

Surely not! For the Lord has given us His peace to rule in our hearts. In Him, there is comfort, security and peace, because the Lord is always here to take care of us. Circumstances in the world might change, but the God in whom we trust is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. We need to find our peace in the One who will not change, rather than in the fleeting treasures of this world.

Peace is not when we are totally unaware of the going ons around us and therefore have nothing to fear or worry for. Rather, peace is when our hearts are fully rested in the knowledge and assurance of God's sovereign care and protection even when the floodwaters around us rise, when the fire rages on, or when earthly foundations crumble.

Let us find our peace in God today and not look for the temporary assurance that the world gives. Let us find our peace in the God who will be our refuge and strong tower in the day of trouble and testing.

©2007 Westside Anglican Church Youth Fusion