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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Shining Like Stars
Here are some brief notes that I took when I visited the youth service at COSB last Saturday evening. The reading was taken from Daniel 12:1-3, but I'll just be focusing on the third verse in this entry.
Daniel 12:3 "Those who are wise would shine like the brightness of the Heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."
The message was entitled "Shooting star or Shining star?" and the challenge was really for us to be shining for Christ in our daily lives.
1) Shining stars will last. Shooting stars are shortlived. Do we shine transiently for Jesus, or are we consistent in living our lives worthy of our calling as His disciples?
2) Steadfast or unpredictable? We look up into the sky on a cloudless night and know for certain that the stars that have existed for centuries will still be there. Orion, The Big Dipper, The Southern Cross etc... we know for sure that they will be there. No one really knows however, when shooting stars appear. In shining for Christ, we need to be steadfast and always shining for Christ. It is not according to our whims and fancies when and where we would like to shine for Him, we need to be 24/7 Christians.
3) The Practical Value of a Shining Star--Shining stars can lead us in the right direction and help us find the way if we get lost. Similarly, each of us are pointers to Jesus. Have you pointed someone to Jesus today?
One more point that I thought about after the sermon and while typing this out is that whether we see them or not, shining stars continue to shine in the sky. In the daytime, we might not see them, but they are there, whether we are aware or not. Sometimes, it might seem that others do not take notice of us, but that doesn't mean we can stop living our lives as a testimony and a witness for the Lord.