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Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Remembering God
"On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night"--Psalm 63:6 I came across this verse last week during the weekly Campus Crusade meeting in school. How in love with God the psalmist must have been when he penned down these beautiful words to God. Even through the night, he meditated upon who God was. I'm sure that brought gladness to God's heart.
Many times, our minds are filled with our own thoughts, our cares and concerns. Throughout the day we think about our work, school, what we're going to do after class etc... there are just simply so many things that flood our mind, that we spend so little time remembering who God is and what He has done for us.
This verse impacted me because it caused me to realize, that even before I go to sleep, my last waking moments are spent thinking about school, people, ministry etc... I also realized that what we think about the most, are often the things that are of great concern to us. The question that came to me was: If I love Jesus so much, why do I spend so little time thinking about Him?
My application point for this verse is to remember God throughout the day, and even at night before I drift off to sleep; to meditate on who God is--my Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life and the Light of the World.
How will you remember God today?