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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Faith & Trust in God
Hi, I'm Cindy Magdelene! (Young working cell) This is a testimony which I would like to share with all of you guys n gals, regarding my process of job searching during the past few months. =)
I applied for teaching in late May this year and was short listed for an interview on 20th June 2005. As I had pinned all my hope and confidence on this job, I stopped applying for all other jobs upon receipt of a letter from MOE. I even went to the extent of asking friends who are teachers/training teachers the questions that they were being asked during their interview. Knowing that I am not a spontaneous person, I conscientiously prepared my responses for these interview questions.
On the eve of my interview, which was 19th June 2005 (Father’s Day), I did my quiet time using My Daily Bread, in the hope that God would reveal to me and assure me for my interview. However, the devotion that day was regarding the honoring of our father since it was Father’s Day after all. I was a little disappointed because this had nothing to do with my long waited interview. Out of curiosity, I peeped at the punch line of next day’s devotion without going into its content. Much to my surprise, it was talking about the all-presence of God. It was just so appropriate, isn’t it? I could feel that God is trying to assure me that He will be with me when I am in the interview room tomorrow and I will not be alone. With such a comprehension, I looked forward to the next day’s devotion with much gladness and anticipation.
On the next day, I did my quiet time before I went for my interview scheduled in the afternoon. However, out of my horror, after reading the content of the devotion (which I had read the punch line the nite before), I realized that things were not as wonderful as what I had thought to be. In fact, the devotion was bringing across the idea that even in times where the things that we relied onwere gone (such as the loss of our loved ones, good health and jobs), we should not feel distressed. This is because we still have a God who is our Rock and He will, in no circumstance, depart from us. Upon such realization, I just felt that my interview may not turn out well. Having had that thought, I still picked myself up and hoped for the best.
Truly enough, the interview did not turn out well. All the interview questions (even the very common ones) that I had prepared beforehand were not asked. The interview only lasted for five minutes. I was absolutely upset over it. All the hope that I had on this job seems to be shattered. I convinced myself not to think about this job anymore by giving myself reasons such as teaching was not my cup of tea, maybe God has a better plan for me, and if I can get into teaching, it must be a miracle from God.
Three weeks later, I was surprised to receive a letter of acceptance from MOE. I had totally forgotten about the whole issue of being a teacher then. At that point of time, God recalled my memory and I remembered what I had uttered to myself previously, that if I could get into teaching, it must be a miracle from God.
Looking back now, I believe that God was putting me through a test during the process of granting me this job. He taught me to place my trust and hope in Him alone and nothing else for He knows that only He, The Most High will never disappoint me.
Right now, though I am teaching, I am still in the process of learning and coping. Students may not always behaved in the way that I want, but I believe that since God has placed me in a school to teach, there must be a purpose and He will surely see me through!
Praise God for your wonderful works among us! Surely your ways are higher than ours and your thoughts beyond what we can comprehend!! Hallelujah!