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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming..." 2 Peter 3:11a-12b

The 2 words that made an impact on my heart when I read this verse a few weeks ago were the words "look forward". In some versions, it says to "wait eagerly" for the Day of the Lord to come.
I know what it is like to eagerly wait. And that is why I felt such a sense of excitement as I read the verse, and as I thought about what it meant, and what it was telling us to do.
When I was 7/8 years old, I used to have my cousins come over to my house every friday night to play with me, and although we did the same things week after week, we never got tired of it, and Friday night was what I looked forward to each week. Friday nights after dinner involved eagerly waiting for my 2 cousins to come, which included asking "why so long?" and "when will they come?" *whiny tone*, as well as looking out of the window from the 17th storey, down to the carpark to see if my uncle's car would come into the carpark. Eagerly waiting also meant making sure things in my room were in place and that the toys I had were where they were supposed to be--we couldn't waste precious time looking for things that we needed or wanted to play with. Eagerly waiting meant running to the door to open it the moment I saw the metallic gold car drive into the carpark and standing at the doorstep to welcome them in.
Those childhood memories allowed me to relive the feeling of "eagerness" and excitement that I had as a primary 2 girl, and they helped me to understand how God wants us, His children, to feel about His coming. If we were to 'eagerly wait', many things in our lives would change. Personally, I would seize every oppurtunity to testify about Jesus and what He has done on the cross for all mankind. I would want to be ready 24/7 to meet my Lord and Saviour on the day of His coming. And each day of my life would have to inevitably be filled with a sense of urgency, expectation and anticipation to live my life for God. I'm working on these things in my own walk today, as I depend on the Holy Spirit to guide me in living a life that is honourable, pleasing, and directed to glorifying and serving God.
How about you today? How would you live your life as you love the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?

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