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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Source of hope

Lamentations 3:19-41
I was going through my quiet time and i came upon this passage that reminds us of God's grace and hope in Him. Sometimes when we go about in our lives we may feel overwhelmed by our work that we fail to see God's plan in our lives. As a result we may place our securities and hope onto people, things and even ourselves rather than God. Thus when these things fail us, we become dishearten and consumed by our failure. But the Lord reminds us that He is good to those whose hope is placed on Him and seeks Him at all times. So when you feel downcast the next time, take time to reflect upon God's love and grace for they are new every morning! Seek Him and He will give you the strength and hope to go through the tough times.

Feeling hopeless reminds us that we are helpless without God.

Taken from the daily bread reading for 30th July 05

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