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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
My life is like my email account@work... no matter how many waking hours i invest in clearing my emails, they just keep building up... as do the stuff in my life that consumes my time and energy...
At first it's just 20-30 MB, then 35... when it hit 37.5 MB, i would get this daily reminder to clear my mailbox - which is silly cos that email adds to my mailbox, on a daily basis! Duh!
Now, it's been 48MB for the past 1 year and i would clear just enough everyday to survive that day's mail, cos if i hit the 50MB limit, i would have to pay for the surcharge.
Life is about prioritising, so we start choosing what mails to read and what to delete without opening ;p The trick is to decide while we still have the choice. There would most certainly come a day when our 'email account' would be revoked; shut down, abruptly & permanently. Then we would called up to give an accounting of what we've done, what we've given our attention to... Many things are good; are the 'right things to do' but we cannot possibly do everything, it is not just about 'doing the right thing' but it should be about 'doing what God wants us to do' = obedience.
"Yes, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon! I'm bringing my payroll with me. I'll pay all people in full for their life's work." Rev 22:12 (The Message)
Choose that which is of eternal value!