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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Eyes On You
"My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare..." Psalm 25:15
King David, the psalmist, certainly had his focus right as he wrote this psalm. He acknowledged the protection of the Lord over his life, and he placed his hope of deliverance into the mighty hand of our good and righteous God. He focussed, not on the problem, or on the possible solutions to rescue himself, but rather on the One who could rescue and deliver him.
Many a time, when trials and troubles come our way, our first response is usually to react to steer ourselves out and away from the problem, and as a result, the wounds we suffer become deeper, and the hurts more painful. Think of it as having your hands and feet bound together in sharp wire. The more you struggle to get free, the more cuts you get. In your own capability, there is nothing you can do to save yourself. What you need, is for someone to cut the wire to release you. On our own, we are unable to save ourselves from many things in life: the temptations of the world, persecution from those around us, heartbreaks and worries etc. but we can take courage because we have a Living God who is able to help us rise up and to be victorious in these situations.
What or who are you focussing on today? Are you depending on your capabilities to steer yourself out of a sticky situation and relying on your own wisdom to find a solution? Turn your eyes to the Lord your God and keep your focus there. He will show you the way, He will rescue you from harm, and He will be gracious to you as you put your hope in Him.