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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Do You Know Who Jesus Is??? It is possible to know doctrine and still not know Jesus? It is possible to do ministry work, serve, attend Sunday service and youth meetings, stand on the stage leading worship with your voice and with your instrument and still not know Jesus?
A person becomes gravely in danger when his work or ministry, when his knowledge of the bible is more important than Jesus. This person avoids intimate touch with Him.
Doctrine meant no more than the grass under the feet of Mary, in fact any pharisee could have made a fool of Mary doctrinally and with their list of accolations in ministry. But one thing they could never ridicule was the fact that Jesus had cast 7 demons out of her (Lk 8:2); the fact that Jesus knew her by her name (Jn 20:14-16). Yet His blessings were nothing to her in comparison with knowing Jesus Himself.
Somtimes, I feel that it is always good for us to stock take our lives. Reflect on our walk with Christ. So often we get so caught up with serving that we forget WHO we serve. We know so much about doctrines and theology yet we know nothing about the person who is the central figure of our salvation. This is especially more for those who serve and lead in some way or another. Often times, I myself am guilty of serving the ministry instead of Jesus, of focusing on the people, on the expectations instead of Christ.
So, let us all be alert in our service unto Christ, always vigilant of God's presence in our lives, and to give gentle nudges in love once in a while to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ when they happen to lose focus. Let be accountable to each other and love one another as Jesus loved us. God bless!
(Adapted from My Utmost For His Highest, Edited by Me. =p)