Beavers(Castor Canadensis)
The Master Builders
i was flipping my remote earlier on to catch any interestg shows and i happened to watch a documentary on animal planet about beavers. i must say that im truly amazed by their great ability to alter their surrounding landscape to suit their own needs...=)

They can actually dam streams, and raise the water level to surround their lodge with a protective moat, and create the deep water needed for winter food storage in northern climes. While other wildlife endure wintertime cold and hunger, beavers stay warm in their lodges with an underwater food cache of branches nearby. The really amazing thing which i saw in the documentary is that they build their own "house" by using their super powderful teeth to knaw down trees! and from the log they collect the bite it into smaller sizes and bring it to the end of the stream to start building their homes! Its really quite fancinating.. how they work as a family.. and usually they work non-stop day and night to make sure that their home is ready b4 winter.. wow amazing.
i used to think that humans are one of God's most wonderful creation.. but i fail to realise that He's such a wonderful and loving God that He creates all sorts of animals including the master builder beaver! the most interesting thing is that the beavers regulate the temperature of their homes! when too many of them stay in the house, the temperature can get too stuffy for comfort though the outside may be freezing! so they actually create a vent to release warm air .. like a little chimney!
Im really so amazed by beavers, and many many other animals which God has created. He's a great, marvellous & creative God. =)
All praise and Glory to Him!