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Sunday, April 10, 2005
.a very encouraging testimony from Shiling.
I was born and raised in a strong Taoist family. Since young, my parents have been teaching me things related to Taoism. They even brought me to temples to worship. Even when I was a young girl, I knew that there is a God in this world. But definitely this God is not the ones I was worshipping. I had never found any peace. I've never respected these gods, even though I know I should have shown at that time. My parents brought me to those Taoist so-called “calling for gods to be possessed onto human”, the feelings I had were just eerie and spooky. Rules and regulations were even imposed for Taoism. It is strictly restricted that girls, when having their monthly period, were not allow to worship nor even touch the altar. I was in primary school back then, but I've always asked myself, “Why? If these gods are so loving, why do they mind and don’t allow girls to worship to them?”
Slowly, I started to lose confidence in myself. I lost the whole meaning of living. I never knew what I was placed in this world for. When I was depressed, the only thing I can think of was committing suicide. Death is the only solution to end all troubles, and that was what I thought.
I studied in a Catholic secondary school, that was when I learnt who Jesus Christ was. In fact, more of Mother Mary. It was when I was 16 (after O levels), Peixuan invited me to a Christmas Celebration at Bukit Panjang Gospel Church. At that moment, I thought that perhaps I'll just go and visit. When I arrived, the pastor was preaching, I felt the peace and joy inside of me. I knew it was a feeling that I have always sought through these years. The feeling was as though I’m only the one inside the church; despite being packed with people.
After that service, when Peixuan started to invite me to WAC (located at Jurong Point cinema back then). She invited me a few times before I decided to go. I knew it was time I should start to know who Jesus Christ really is. After a few weeks, we started to have cell. It was Si’er who asked us if we wanted to accept Jesus Christ into our lives. That very night, we received Him into our hearts.
After receiving him, I started to go for church service more often. In fact, persecution came and my parents found out that I was attending church. They scolded me everyday for almost two weeks continuously. But yet I knew that Jesus once said that “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. -John 15:16”
But after a period of time, I started to drift from Him. It took only 6 months before my life started becoming a mess. What brought me back to the arms of my Father was this particular trip to Genting. Since young, whenever my family travels to Genting, they would go to a temple located over there. I knew I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, I shouldn’t worship those gods. When I was there, my dad asked me to go and worship them. I said, "no." He scolded and commanded me to do whatever he said. Despite what he said, I went to the balcony and I started to pray to God. I asked Him to bring me through this obstacle. Less than 5 minutes later, my dad came out and asked me to take some photos. God heard me, didn’t He?
After the incident, I knew I had to draw close to Him again. He keeps performing miracles on me despite the fact that I drifted away from Him again and again. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16 Being a Christian made me realise that I’m precious in His eyes. I live for a purpose, which is, to spread the Gospel.