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Thursday, August 31, 2006
With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. Psalms 18:29
When i read this verse, i got really excited. Nothing is impossible for God. at such a time as this, when i am doubting my capability, God said He is the answer! :D
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Being In Silence Before God... are we too busy with our school? our work? that we find ourselves having no free time? try being in silence before God... just being silent.. and to enjoy His presence... As sleep and rest are needed each day for the body so silence and solitude are needed each day for the soul. (Pslam 46:10) "Be still, and know that I am God." Silence provides freedom from noise and distractions. Silence brings about a sense of rest and trust. Silence allows us to listen. Silence means God does not have to fight for the right to be heard.
Monday, August 28, 2006

Ryan's Testimony
Before I received Christ
My parents are strong Buddhist, so I just followed them and do as told. Personally, I don't feel a connection with Buddhism. I always wanted to go to Church since young but I am not allowed to. There's once my maid brought me to Church when I was still a little boy, my dad found out and reprimanded her. Before I received Christ in to my life, I am a person who looks at money quite importantly and want to get rich badly. Felt empty in my heart, like what am I really living for.
After I received Christ
After I received Christ and I understood more His word, I became not so money minded and the hole in my heart was filled. It's great to feel that there's always someone there for you. Just as when I really have faith in the Lord, my life started changing. I love my ex-girlfriend and my bike a lot because they were like my life. My family is always out working so I spent most of my time with them. Due to some circumstances, I lost her and my dad says he is going to sell my bike because I became a Christian. Thank God, it is still not sold. I was quite depressed during that time; really thank God for being there with me and listening to me.I will tend to remind myself not to sin and to repent for my sins, for he is my Lord.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Jasmine's exam time table! Do uphold our dear sis in prayer. (aren't post-sec cell gals cute? check out their photos. hee. )
 28 Aug General Paper 1 & 211 Sept Theatre Studies & Drama Paper Mathematics Paper 1 13 Sept English Literature Paper 1 Theatre Studies & Drama Paper 1 14 Sept Economics Paper 3 15 Sept Mathematics Paper 2 English Literature Paper 8 18 Sept Economics Paper 1 & 2 20 Sept English Literature Paper 3 21 Sept Economics (S paper) 25 Sept Literature (S paper)
Monday, August 21, 2006

Steven's testimony
I accepted Christ in another church when I was in my primary school days back then. My uncle brought my brother, Peter, and myself there to get to know Jesus. However, my parents are Buddhist and they are quite skeptical towards this new religion of ours. They did not stop my eldest brother but they felt I was too young to decide for myself, therefore, they were not pleased with my decision. As such, I stopped going to church and did not know the Word of God.
I came to the house of God through my sister in Christ, Cindy Leticia. I happened to get to contact her and out of the sudden, we started to get into the topic of religion. She told me about the marvelous things that had happened in her family. It impacted me and I decided to accept her invitation to Westside Anglican Church.
Before I was a Christian last December, I felt no aim and purpose in my life. It was just a routine of strolling and fooling around along Orchard Road every weekend. I was also a very pessimistic person. Furthermore, I was being trapped in the sin of gambling. It is only after I got to know about Christ and the discipline we need to have as a Christian through my friends, mentor and cell leaders in church that I changed! I am now more optimistic in my thoughts and stopped betting totally, not even $0.50 of TOTO. God has been working mightily in my family especially my brother, Benny, who accepted Christ during Easter Day this year. I really want to thank God for saving my brother. My parents have also been much more receptive towards Christianity as they did not stop me from attending church regularly. I would also like to thank God for giving me the courage to speak to my mother about my baptism service two weeks ago. The burden that has been placed in my heart for so long has been removed and I am really happy to have the acceptance of my parents of me getting baptized. Furthermore, I am also baptized in the Holy Spirit to be able to speak tongues mid this year, which I felt the presence of God so greatly.
Therefore, today, I am really honoured to get baptized with the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ right here in the midst with me and I want to thank Pastor Timothy, my cell leader, Si’er, and mentor, Raymond, especially for guiding me to grow spiritually and also the rest of the brothers and sisters in church as well. I appreciated the love from all of you and the care and encouragement that have been showed on me all these while. Last of all, I want to thank God for using Cindy to spread the gospel to me because if it wasn’t so, I will not be a Christian today, standing right here to speak to all of you, rejoicing in the love that God has showered upon me. I will continue to pray to God to reach out to my parents and will be waiting for the salvation of my parents!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Peeps, some introduction need to be done..! This is Tiffany....!!!

Some interesting facts...!!
She's a vocal trainer for children She's studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic Has a really POWERFUL & NICE voice.. (Newly crowned NP IDOL)
Let us also welcome Mei Yan, Glady's friend though it's not her 1st time here.. Really hope you do join us often... :-D 
And also, Si'er & Arlene's friend, TECK THYE also joined us for service today.. 
Let us welcome this brother in Christ of OURS.....!!! Let us even shine brighter for Jesus; and be C.R.O.S.S. (CHRISTIANS REACHING OUT SAVING SOULS)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
"Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." --Psalm 73:25-26
Something happened this week that really encouraged me! I just need to tell everyone about it!I've been clinging on to the 2 verses from Psalm 73 (see above) for quite a while and this week, I saw one of my Discipleship Group Leaders (DGL) in school who had written a short note for me. And guess what? At the bottom of the note, she wrote down the very same verse reference and told me that that was the verse that she was using to pray for me!
For me, it was a confirmation of what God was speaking to my heart. =) Out of the many many verses in the Bible, I was led to this verse, which gave me a promise to hold on to. AND out of the many many verses in the Bible, God showed my DGL the very same verse too as she was praying for me!
This is definitely not a coincidence =) It just goes to show that God really does speak into the hearts of His children today. Even though this is a very small incident, it really showed me that God cares for me, and He showed it today by giving me a confirmation of His Word, which I really needed.
And it has really been great. Each day, when I think I'm not going to get through the day, I remember the verse and I know that God's strength will be sufficient to see me through.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Revitalise Yourself.
Feeling down in the dumps? Sick? Tired or basically just sian?????

Remember to rely on our great God for strength, hope, peace and love. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will make us sore on wings like eagless... we will run yet feel not weary, walk and not grow faint.... press on my brothers and sisters in Christ! 
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS! Hey everyone, please do pray for eunice who is having her prelims right now! Here is a list of the dates!
14 Aug- General Paper 15 Aug - Maths & Lit Paper 1 16 Aug - Chemistry Paper 3 17 Aug - Biology Paper 2
21 Aug - Literature Paper 2 23 Aug - Chemistry Paper 2 24 Aug - Maths Paper 2 25 Aug - Biology Paper 3
28 Aug - Biology P1 29 Aug - Lit Paper 8 & Chemistry Paper 1
Monday, August 14, 2006
Baptism Service
6 members of Youth Fusion were baptised on 12th August 2006! They are...
*drum roll*
Priscilla Ang Pekhar Andy Philip Sng Eddy John Sng Ryan Joespeh Chong Wen Xun Steven Jeremiah Lim
*Round of applause*

Getting prepared! 
Our worship team for the day! See those crutches? But this did not stop Wen Xun from getting baptised!

    All smiles!

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Some of the pix that was taken during "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"

more pictures and a video will be posted soon... stay tune... =)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Hey hey! Looks like this week has been a 'prayer and praise' week, starting from our prayer walk on Sunday afternoon, FOP on the same evening, and Day Of His Power on Tuesday night! I'm so glad I made it down to the indoor stadium last night. Thank God that class ended half and hour early so I could make it down without being super late!
Anyway, I actually asked Joanie and Huiling to let me know where all of you were sitting so I could find you guys and not sit alone ( i don't like to be alone) and Tina actually gave me a call while I was on the bus to tell me she was at T03... but when I reached I was so confused if it was T03 or T01 and it was so dark I couldn't see anyone I knew so I decided I"ll just find another seat elsewhere and sit. So the ushers directed me all the way to A24 where the people around me were like total strangers... but anyway... I didn't feel so alone in the end when we started to pray in groups of 4s and 3s cos I realised that I was surrounded by other brothers and sisters in Christ who loved and served the same God as me! So cool right!

businessmen with their suits and ties students in their uniforms guys in their army uniforms people dressed in red and white
everyone gathers in one place to lift up prayers in unision to our Lord our maker, the Alpha and Omega Together, we desire a revival and a future for Singapore Together, we interceeded for the surronding nations Together, we lifted up our hands and raised our voices to praise our Father Together, we will make a difference and see the Lord's hand move in us, through us and with us!
It is wonderful to be with the Lord's people praising God and praying together! the church in one body! in one voice! Praise God!
Monday, August 07, 2006

The Christian Walkway
Yesterday, YF had our 1st prayer walk at Jurong West. My territory..haha..coz i grew up in Jurong! Well, thank God for speaking to many of us and letting us catch a glimpse of His heartbeat.
This is what came to my mind when I was walking around block 513 and 514 with Joanie. We were walking through the all-too-familar sheltered walk way where i've walked through a couple of times. It has never crossed my mind that this same sheltered walk way is likened to our christian walk. This walkway is one with many entrances/exits attached to it. Our Christian walk can be said to be like this walkway, we may enter at different entry points and some may walk a longer distance than others. But the objective is to get to the end of this walkway. Some of us may find this walk too tiring and may decide to rest by exiting this walkway. But some of us may continue to walk till the end!
Like what I've mentioned to Joanie, probably there are christians living in blocks 513 and 514 who may have given up hope and decided to exit this christian path.
We have to pray for them too.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Hey all! It's been a REALLY long time since I wrote on this blog and honestly, I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about the recent games day, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!
I really really enjoyed it despite the running around like a crazy woman with my fabulous team of 2 girls (Rachel & Scarlette), 1 guy (Jethro) and 2 newcomers (Huzaini and Huiping). Now let me tell you why I secretly enjoyed it and loved this game ...
In view of my work, where I'm asked to socialize and entertain clients all the time, to put on a smile and to somtimes pretend that I'm really interested in whatever they are saying, it's tough and it aint easy. When sometimes, you feel like this world and work industry is just SO SATURATED with the fakeness and the hyprocrisy of the world, you feel the strength to want to fight it, but when you have your bosses nagging down your necks, you feel like you are being "swarmed in" like quiksand, and you have to be fake too.
And I felt like a REAL person on that day of the games, to be with the people who I love, who loves me back truly too with the Pure love of God, where we face no need to feel embarassed because we are running around screaming like crazy people, where we arent dressed to the fullness of Orchard Road being the street of "Funkiness". And really, there was really no need for that. And I was truly happy. Because I didnt have to bother about my hair, I didnt care if some "COOL" people in town saw me running in my shorts and shirt, with my 5 wonderful kids running alongside with me, didnt care with my friends saw me and gasp exactly what I am doing. And I was HAPPY, and JOYFUL. I really was.
And I want to thank the people in my group for playing like we are "THE WINNERS" even though we lost. Thank the working committee for planning just a wonderful game. Thank all the youths who participated. And thank God for being the HEAD of this project.
Now... i created a saying today for this... I hope you pore over it as much as I pored over coming up with it =)
"Acceptance in Society is ManMade You never reap what You sow Acceptance by God is Natural You reap what You sow"
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOUTH GAMES DAY OUTREACH I really want to thank God and give Him all the glory for seeing us through the games outreach on saturday! Indeed, God never fails but He sure scared us on that day when we saw the rain pouring at Jurong East MRT Station! All the more we relied on Him to provide a way! And WA-LA! God gave us the perfect weather at Orchard Road(sunny but not too sunny and windy!) Also, thank God for the wonderful judges and station masters which comprises of the working youth cell as well as the revels cell leaders (*give a big round of applause!). Thank you everyone for making everything so enjoyable! And dont forget the friends that joined us on that day! continue to make them feel at home and share with them the Good News!